Bulelavata Hydroelectric Project
Country: Solomon Islands
Location: Bulelavata village, Western Province
Commissioned: 1 December 1999
Turbine: Pelena single-nozzle Crossflow
Electrical Rating: 24kW
Client: APACE
Turbine Supplier: Pelena Energy
Civil Works Design: Pelena Energy
Civil Works: Bulelavata community with supervision and support from APACE and Pelena Energy
Weir: Pelena standard concrete buttressed
Hydraulic Works Design: Pelena Energy
Hydraulic Works: Bulelavata community with supervision and support from APACE and Pelena Energy
Controls: APACE
Electrical Works: Bulelavata community with supervision and support from APACE
Gross Head: 27.5m
Penstock: 232.1m of PN4.5 PVC pipe 250DN Series 1
Alternator: Originally installed 1999: Stamford (Newage/Markon) 2-bearing bare shaft – model UCI 224D.S/N: 991412/1